Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Day 8

So my 13 year old daughter spend about 80% of her free time on her cell phone, either texting or actually talking. It's a good thing her dad pays for it. LOL! He got wise and bought her a cricket...unlimited minutes and texting for one low price. Now that he is gone his sister and his dad pay for it for her. So she gets to enjoy her self talking her life away.


Anonymous said...

I am not looking forward to this! Great thing to document!

jordan.krogman said...

This is such a nice "teen" shot. . . the pink fingernails, the phone, the texting. . . very cute! :)

Michelle said...

love your angle here. my dds are exactly the same! those teenagers! LOL!

For Over 29 Years... said...

OH I am so not looking forward to this when my twin girls hit the teen years in just 4 short years.

me said...

I really like the first shot. I agree with the other, I am afraid for my girls to become teens

Anonymous said...

Great focus in that first shot. Love the pink nails in the background.

Mom2Drew said...

I like to text as well...so much fun!

Liz said...

Your first photo is awesome! I love that you can see her chippy pink nail polish and the phone keypad and her mouth just poised to talk about the latest gossip at school(at least that is how I see it lol). Great job!

Val said...

I guess it's a teenage thing! hehe cool shots

Bobbi said...

Great focus on these. I cannot funcion w/out my phone as well ;)

Tomboymama said...

Cute shots and so teen. They really are all about this these days. Cracks me up!

Becky said...

That's funny, this is two posts in a row that I've looked at with a texting teen. (And what just took me a few seconds to type would have taken me an hour to text on a phone.)

Ashley Hiskes said...

Great picture! My 12 year old DS just got his first cell phone.

pakosta said...

very cool shots!
am NOT looking forward to these yearss LOL!

It's These Little Moments said...

I like your perspective on that first picture. very interesting.

April said...

that first shot is a great shot..i'm not too excited about this happening with my daughter..got a long way to go though.

Mandy said...

Oh lord...she is only 13. I only have a few more years!

Unknown said...

LOL!!! those are great!

Farrah Jobling said...

Great shots! Seems like a common theme today...I love capturing them in their own worlds!