Friday, January 25, 2008

Day 25

Yeah so I've missed two big deal I guess....I've been sick. I've had this cold now for about a week but these last few days have been really bad. I'm actually feeling better today.

Anyways....still on theme, WORDS.

This word is something I am looking forward to....all they have left to do is some touch ups and add all the appliances, I'm predicting a mid to late Feburary closing. Let's hope!


Mandy said...

Congrats! How exciting~

I hope you start feeling better really soon!

Becky said...

Good luck! A new home is so exciting. And feel better.

Unknown said...

Yippy!!! Yay! Conrats. I know how that feels.

Sharon said...

Yay! Good luck!

Mom2Drew said...

Like the angle you shot your home at. Congrats on your sale, I'm hoping we too can sell ours when the time is right...which hopefully is SOON!

Tera Fraley said...

Hope you feel better soon!! Congrats to you!! Must be a relief!

Tori said...

Good luck and congrats!

Anonymous said...

Cute house...good luck to you and hope you feel better soon!

Katie said...

Congrats! I love the angle of this shot...hope you're feeling better...we've had the crud fun

Kari said...

Yay! Great news for you!

HeyLady said...

I've been sick for the last week also. In the last 2 weeks I've only been able to work 4 days!

Hope you feel better soon & congrats on the house.


Amy said...

How exciting! Congratulations and hope you're feeling much better.

Angela2932 said...

Hope you are on the mend! Congrats on the house. You cropped the photo well.

Val said...

Cool! Good luck!

Margaret said...

Glad you're feeling better. Congrats on the house!

Anonymous said...

Congrats and I hope its a quick closing. Hope you feel even better today