Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Day 2

ISO 800 SS 1/5 (used a timer and the tripod) f/4

Okay, this is not with the theme but I really like the "motion" of this picture. My son Izaiah, just turned 7 on 12/26 and he loves his Playstation 2. He's had it for over a year now but plays it everyday. Maybe one day he'll grow up and design games, who knows. I'm not one of those parents that restricts things like this, I really don't mind him playing.


Anonymous said...

I love photos like this of kids being kids!!!

Anonymous said...

Love photos like this! Kids just being kids!

Tera Fraley said...

Great capture. Not only do kids love those, my dh does too!!

Trina said...

Great way to capture what your son loves to do! REAL LIFE!

pakosta said...

great photo capturing everyday life! I SO love it!

~*DEB*~ said...

Great job!! My son has PS2 also, its his favorite thing to do inside!!